It wasnt until about 3 months ago I really got serious about Within Temptation when I was discussing at work about shooting them on their upcoming tour.
As I usually do with bands I’m not overly familiar with, I checked out the most recommended songs on Spotify as I worked. I’ve had The Reckoning on my ‘Liked’ playlist for a while now but didn’t really take notice of other songs.
The first tune I listened to was Our Solemn Hour and was absolutely blown away, the difference in the sound from more modern songs was stark. The Reckoning is great, it’s why it’s on my playlist but Our Solemn Hour was special………they had my attention. As the days passed Angel, Heart of Everything, Ice Queen and Jillian ( I’d Give My Heart ) made it onto my playlist too. They are now by far my favourite band and Mother Earth is constantly in my ears as I work. Why am I only hearing them now?
I work at a factory, I have all my life so we listen to what is on the radio. Radio stations have really led people with what music they listen too and they have done Within Temptation a massive disservice. Even Rock and Metal stations haven’t been playing them enough. I’ve seen but not seen Within Temptation twice before at Hellfest in France, being a Photographer I have to go to other stages when I take my pics and only get a snippet of songs before I’m elsewhere.
The reason I had The Reckoning on my playlist was due to their impact from Hellfest in 2019 and how epic Sharon’s voice was. So as a new fan of the group I was very excited to get a full show in at Leeds. I’d given the album Bleed Out a few listens the days before the gig to get familiar with some of the songs. As it was the Bleed Out tour then there was going to be a lot from this era.
Opening with We Go To War, followed by Bleed out and Ritual. Within Temptation have obviously become heavier as the years have passed, Ritual is possibly my favourite from their latest album and it was great to hear it live, in fact the songs from Bleed Out all sounded incredible live.
The first not from Bleed Out was The Reckoning and also was really well performed, the stage was always adorned with epic images and videos.
My biggest moment of the night was when Tarja came on stage to duet to The Promise. If you know how hard it is to talk when you are filling up with tears, imagine how difficult it was to shoot pics of them while my eyes filled up. As with a lot of their songs The Promise really is a work of art and to have legend Tarja Turunen sing it with Sharon was a memory I’ll never forget.
Later in the show after Churchill had spoke his stuff on the video it was Sanctus Espiritus……I loved the fact the stage became more red and in flames as the song went on. Our Solemn Hour is possibly one of the best songs ever written, brilliant musically and very one off.
Leeds is always a ballache to get to and from on a weekday but my late night National Express Coach was well worth it so I could stay late.
I now realise I have a massive discography to get familiar with and I cant wait. Hopefully they will be at Hellfest next year so hopefully I’ll see them again soon. Thank you again Leeds and Within Temptation for another great night of music. See you soon.
Words and Photos by Philip Goddard