Its always a special night when The Rev Army’s in town but I can honestly say this gig was epic. With support from DANNY GOFFEY (SUPERGRASS drummer amongst other things) and his latest band , and THE RAMONA FLOWERS this tour will probably take a few months for everyone to get over.
The set kicked off with THE STATE OF THINGS and 18-30 and I was determined to stick it out front and centre the entire gig, after all they do have a few slower ones in their back catalogue to reprieve my back from the moshers. The Rev, Jon McClure, spotted early on there were some very young fans down at the front and told them it was going to get very rowdy down there in a minute so they better come down to the stage area with their parents for the show…. Very wise.
The set was a mix of absolute bangers, some great to sing to, some great to bounce to and a couple of new ones(to me anyway) HIGH and HATE IT WHEN YOU LIE which the fans picked up in no time, Jon said himself he can’t believe how quickly the fans take to their new material.
Guitarist ED COSENS took to the piano to perform AULD REEKIE BLUES and Steve Bird (RAMONA FLOWERS singer) joined the band on stage to perform a great version of PROBLEMS. The makers played their socks off as always, but I’ve got to hand it to Antonia, definitely one of the coolest bassists around right now and fits in so well with the band.
One of the highlights for me was definitely 100% immersing myself in the moment (and the enthusiastic fans) during BASSLINE,OUT OF THE SHADOWS and HE SAID HE LOVED ME, my back, legs and throat are now reminding me I’m getting on a bit. The final song of the night was SILENCE IS TALKING, otherwise known as the trumpet song which ends up in your head for the next 3 hours.
‘Do you want more?’ Jon asked, and as the crowd hollered ‘YEEESSSSS’ he climbed over the barriers with his guitar in hand and said ‘follow me’….. Well, I’ve never made it out of the academy from the front row so fast before, it was like riding a tide of people through the building, everyone following the Rev through to the side street accompanied by fans vocal trumpet noises. The streets were packed as Jon played A MESSAGE TO YOU RUDY before retreating through the side door, what a way to end an MDMAzing show.
Words by Joanne Marsland
Photos by Philip Goddard