Paloma Faith at Bridgewater Hall by Matt Jones
Photos by Philip Goddard
Opening the show with Last Night on Earth, explaining to her crowd, with passionate words about the reason she’d written this song was because of the pandemic and how this could literally be the audiences last night on earth, so we should enjoy every minute and live life as it comes.

An inspirational message accompanied by a meaningful performance. Followed by Gold and Crybaby, with amazing stage lighting and a powerful curtain drop.Playing some of her new album broke up the evening, yet kept the crowd waiting for the more popular songs like “Picking up the Pieces” and “Can’t rely on you”…But… before these, an amazing medley performance of her most popular songs, “Stone Cold Sober, Stargazer, Upside Down, 30 Minute Love Affair and New York” with lighting and effects to make the performance more engaging. Paloma’s voice accompanied by her wonderful band sounded great together.

Playing their music to both younger and older crowds, engaging with the audience in her unique, funny persona added to the night.Paloma explained about performing at at festival where Chaka Khan invited her on stage to perform, yet Paloma didn’t know the words on the night… yet tonight Paloma knew every word and surprised us with “I’m Every Woman” – “a performance for all the strong women in the audience”.Keeping the audience excited with her upbeat performance of “Changing” a more clubby’ vibe had us all out of our seats once again.

Paloma played her last song “If this is Goodbye”, a very fitting song for a final performance, although Paloma’s humour let the news slip that this wouldn’t be her last song… she came back on to the stage.Playing “Better Than This”, “Lullaby” and ending on the one and only “Only Love Can Hurt Like This” a great ending to a wonderful night, showing off her powerful voice and her phenomenal band members. What a great night.