Starting with a banger, “It Won’t Always Be Like This”, had the crowd jumping on Ritz’ bouncy floor straight away. The crowd interaction was immense, like never before.

Moving on with “We Have To Move On” – keeping the crowd entertained with more tunes, the sound and lighting was next level.
Following their mosh pits, crowd waves and barrier bruises, “Ice Cream Sundae” and “When It Breaks” had the crowds singing along. Following up with tunes such as “Who’s Your Money On?” and “Totally” the crowd didn’t seem to rest, i didn’t at least and the bruises show too!

“In My Sleep”, “Cheer Up Baby” and OBVIOUSLY “My Honest Face” ended the show. With a punch, I must say! – Everything about this performance was amazing and it goes to show, especially when the likes of Blossoms, Fuzzy Sun, Anais Gallagher and Jamie Webster turn up to your gigs, it say’s it all.

My only negative view on this gig was the poor notice that we’d need to provide a covid passport/negative test, which luckily I had, but unfortunately, others didn’t, meaning queue times were longer as people we’re held up, waiting for negative test results to get into the building.

All in all though, a mega event and great performance from the lads! They did us fans proud!
Matt Jones
Photos by Philip Goddard